Tips for Keeping Your Fireplace Maintained

During this time of the year, you are probably not using your fireplace as often as you would have during the colder months of the year. However, this does not mean that your chimney maintenance stops during the summer. Here are tips for keeping your fireplace well maintained, even during the warmer months.

Smoke Detectors:

Install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and keep them in proper working order.

Furniture Positioning:

Keep combustible materials like carpet, drapes and furniture positioned away from the fireplace. Use a fireplace guard to keep children and pets away from harm.

Cleaning Ash:

Clean ash from the fireplace whenever it reaches the bottom of the grates, where airflow may be cut off. Remember to wear protective dust masks and gloves when cleaning the fireplace.

Have an Inspection:

Have your wood-burning fireplace and chimney cleaned and inspected by a trained professional at least once a year, preferably at the end of the burning season.

Test Your Chimney:

Test out the function of your fireplace by lighting a few small pieces of seasoned wood lit from the top down. If smoke doesn’t exit vertically from the fireplace into the chimney but enters the room, immediately find the issue and fix it immediately.

Use Hardwood:

Burn only hardwood instead of soft wood. Hardwood can be categorized as woods such as oak, ash, and maple, which are denser and heavier. Hardwood delivers more heat than lighter soft wood like pine or cedar.